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Kootenay Lake School District

N0. 8

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October 26, 2017

Whew! A New Executive

SD8's DPAC just had its AGM last night, and thankfully there is a new slate of parents stepping up.  It was a close call last night, and DPAC almost didn't have a Chair.  What would that have meant?  It would have meant the loss of a parent voice at the Board of Education's committee tables, and a suspension of BC Gaming Grant funds which are used every year to bring Parent Education Topics/Workshops to the parents of the district.


So, please welcome the new DPAC:


Lorien Quathrocchi (Hume), DPAC Chair

Rena Vandenbos (Mt. Sentinel), DPAC Vice Chair

Kendra Mann (Rosemont & LVR), Secretary

Nikki Merritt (Winlaw), Treasurer


Also, all the SD8 Committees now have two parents representatives.  Redfish is even represented by Tyler Rice, Redfish PAC Treasurer on the Finance & Operations Committee - thank you Tyler.


Follow the link to more information on SD8 Kootenay Lake DPAC

March 01, 2016

Budget Stakeholder Engagement Committee

Current Questions for Discussion:


Please respond to by March 7, 2016


  1. SD 8 (Kootenay Lake) has offered many learning opportunities for our employees over the past 2 to 3 years.
    a) In your opinion, which have had the most impact on students?
    b) Are there areas on which we now need to focus? Please describe.

  2. a) In what ways have our non-teaching staff been supported through staff development opportunities?

  3. b) Are there areas on which we now need to focus? Please describe.

  4. a)Whataresomeinnovativeideasforstaffcollaborationtopromotestudent learning at schools and sites (e.g., amongst teachers, EAs, and PVP)?

    b) What are some additional considerations for aspects such as: bussing, supervision of students, student attendance, etc.?

  5. How do families of schools currently collaborate and share resources (human, financial, space) to support student learning?

  6. What is needed to support collaborative learning opportunities for students within families of schools? 

March 08, 2016

Policy and Governance Committee

Policy 613:


Business & Community Advertising & Sponsorship


Current Policy -The Board of School Trustees believes there is a role for business and community sponsorships within the school district. The Board supports sponsorships that enhance the delivery of quality, unbiased and relevant curricular and co-curricular programs for students. Revenues acquired through sponsorships will be used to complement and not replace public funding for education.


What would you like added or changed??

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